Exploring who you are and how you want to present yourself to the world is a natural part of growing up. But for some in the LGBTQ+ community, doing so openly can be risky and sometimes dangerous. For years this led some to find outlets and venues where they feel safe and empowered to grapple with questions related to self-exploration. In Chicago, there exists a thriving community where LGBTQ+ players of tabletop role-playing games can have fun and be themselves.  

Abigail Ruhman explores the unique role gaming plays in Chicago’s LGBTQ+ community.

Tracey, Member of the Chicago Queer Gaming Society 

V (Self-identifies as singular V), Organizer of the Chicago Queer Gaming Society

Thom James Carter, Author of “They Came to Slay: The Queer Culture of D&D”

Evan Torner, Director of the UC Game Lab and an associate professor at the University of Cincinnati